Navigating Congressional franking

A term like “franking” doesn’t become its own verb unless it’s important — and anyone who has set foot in a Capitol Hill office knows that it’s a valuable communication tool. I’m a former Capitol Hill communications director, so I’ve been in your shoes. There are never enough hours in the day to get your boss prepped, draft a floor speech, and hammer out talking points for your next committee hearing. The prospect of drafting mailers, building a mail universe, and crafting a message that’s impactful and get the Franking Commission’s approval can seem overwhelming — but that’s where we come in.

At BZD, I help Hill clients create eye-catching franked mail that sticks to the message, zeroes in on your boss’s hard work, emphasizes local impact, and is Franking-approved.

Franking is a vital part of your communications strategy because it lets you break through the noise to reach your constituents directly. Not every constituent watches local news, follows your boss on Twitter, or signs up for your e-Newsletter, but every constituent has a mailbox. If you want to highlight new funding for opioid addiction treatment in your region, improvements to local infrastructure, or your constituent service success stories, franking allows you to do just that — while controlling the message and meeting people where they’re at.

Our goal is to make the franking process easier for you. We can help you decide what size and type of mailers fit your goals and budget, and work with you to craft a mail plan that hits the right messaging points and reaches the right people. For example, if you’re doing a mailer featuring your boss’s wins for local seniors, we can pull a mail list for you that targets senior citizens in your district.  We also handle the entire printing process for you — we will work with a union printing shop as close to your district as possible to ensure you get local union printing. And our award-winning design team will make your mailers eye-catching so you don’t get lost in the shuffle.

Franking can be an intimidating process, but it’s one of your most important communication tools. If you have any questions about our services for franked mail, please reach out to me at or 860-514-6749. Let’s get to work!